I'm writing a document in RMarkdown using bookdown::pdf_document2
. I'm using kableExtra
package to generate tables.
This is the code:
library(kableExtra)data.frame(exp = c("LR Test", "R$^2$ de McFadden"), value = c("4155.8$^{***}$", 0.299)) |> kable(col.names = c("Variável explicativa", "Efeito"), caption = "Teste de razão de verossimilhança", booktabs = TRUE, longtable = TRUE, linesep = "", escape = FALSE) |> kable_styling(position = "center") |> footnote(general_title = "", general = "Nota: $^{*}$p $<$ 0.1; $^{**}$p $<$ 0.05; $^{***}$p $<$ 0.01", escape = FALSE)
I'm already using kable_styling(position = "center")
to positioning the table in center of the page, but this is the result that i'm getting:
How can I position the table in center of the page?