Newbie in R here.In Excel, if you click and drag to select multiple cells, you can click on "merge cells" to convert multiple cells into one. Similar mindset, I want to do this in R.
Take this dataframe for this example:
library(kableExtra)library(magrittr)library(knitr)We_Love_Colours <- data.frame( Name = c("Colours", "", ""), G = c("green","green","green"), B = c("blue", "blue", "blue"), R = c("red", "red", "red"), Y = c("yellow", "yellow", "yellow"), P = c("purple", "purple", "purple"), C = c("cyan", "cyan", "cyan")) kable(We_Love_Colours, format = "html", escape = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Table 1.0: Rainbow?") %>% kable_styling( bootstrap_options = c("striped"), full_width = FALSE, position = "center" )
And the output should look something like the image I'm uploading here.
I would like to merge the column names "G", "B", "R", "Y", "P", "C" into a single cell and write "Colours". How can I do this?
Just like with everything, I tried to get help from ChatGPT and it suggested to add this part:
kable(We_Love_Colours, format = "html", escape = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Table 1.0: Rainbow?") %>% add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "Colours" = 6)) %>% kable_styling( bootstrap_options = c("striped"), full_width = FALSE, position = "center"
However, that just generated a new row above the column names and "Colours" hovered over the column names. I was seeking to replace those column names with a single column name.