Knitr not printining the plots in a loop
I'm using Knitr to generate a PDF report, where each page is dynamically created in a loop, displaying plots and tables side by side. The approach works well for tables, but the plots fail to appear in...
View ArticleMisalignment in Multicol enviroment (Knitr)
I'm using Knitr to generate a PDF report where each page is structured using the multicol environment. The layout consists of two columns:The first column contains a table.The second column contains a...
View ArticlekableExtra html table: pack_rows() ignores
I am rendering an html document in Quarto (engine: knitr). I have added some trailing whitespaces in a kableExtra table using " ". However, as soon as I add pack_rows() to the mix,...
View ArticleWhy is MathJax not rendered within my kableExtra table in a Quarto document?
I'm trying to generate properly a table with variable and associated p-value with kable package in a quarto document.I use kable and kableExtra packages.My yaml header is the following one:---title:...
View ArticleExtract summary of regression model in latex
Is there a way to extract the summary of a regression model in a nice latex format like the correlation table I attach below?# install.packages("dplyr")#...
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