This works for tables produced with kableExtra
which is useful when inspecting long tables. I was wondering if anyone has an idea how this may be doable with huxtable
Here's an example Rmd to get an idea of what I mean. I'd like the huxtable header to be fixed at the top of the page when scrolling down just like in the kable.
---output: bookdown::html_document2---```{r lib}library(magrittr)``````{r kable}iris %>% head(20) %>% kableExtra::kbl(caption = "a caption") %>% kableExtra::kable_styling(fixed_thead = TRUE)``````{r huxtable}iris %>% head(33) %>% huxtable::hux() %>% huxtable::set_caption("a caption")```
Related to: Is it possible to make a huxtable output hoverable?