I would love to combine multiple sub-tables over two pages (i.e, either to break the table completely and have the subtable on its own page or have a "continued" for one).
This MWE demonstrates the difficulty:
---format: pdfmainfont: Times New Romansansfont: Times New Romanexecute: echo: false---library(modelsummary)library(kableExtra)models <- list()models[[1]] <- lm(mpg ~ hp, mtcars)models[[2]] <- lm(mpg ~ hp + cyl + disp + qsec + wt, mtcars)#| label: tbl-1#| tbl-cap: "The most important table of the paper"#| tbl-subcap: #| - "My first caption"#| - "Second caption"#| - "Third caption as well"#| layout: [[100], [-10], [33.3], [-10], [33.3], [-10], [33.3]]datasummary_skim(mtcars) |> kable_styling()datasummary_correlation(mtcars)modelsummary(models) |> kable_styling(latex_options=c("repeat_header"))
Any ideas?